Why Notaries Should be Involved in Real Estate Transactions

Buying or selling a home or commercial property is often one of the most significant financial decisions in a person’s or business entity’s life. Real estate transactions can be complicated whether you buy, sell, or invest due to the number of rules that must be followed. 


Notaries play an essential role in real estate transactions and provide impartiality while safeguarding the rights of all parties involved. Notaries help guarantee a fair and legal real estate transaction. Real estate documents can transfer title rights from owner to owner and must be completed correctly, or you could face substantial issues in the future. Notaries also play an important role in guaranteeing the integrity of real estate deals. This article will discuss a notary’s role and significance in commercial and residential real estate transactions.  

The Role of a Notary  

Notaries are commissioned by and must adhere to the provincial and professional orders rules and regulations to remain commissioned. Part of their job as a notary is to stay up-to-date on current real estate laws and regulations. Notaries generally serve several roles, such as verifying all signatories’ identities per their provincial regulations, administering oaths, and acting as impartial witnesses to real estate transactions. Notaries may also perform other duties as provided by law. The legal expertise of a notary is necessary for any real estate closing to ensure the integrity and legality of the transaction. 

The Notary’s Role in Real Estate Transactions 

A notary is required in all real estate transactions to protect the rights of all parties and act as an impartial party. These parties generally include the seller (vendor), the buyer, and the creditor extending a mortgage to allow the buyer to purchase the property.  


Notaries in Quebec perform a multitude of tasks in real estate transactions. First, notaries authenticate and notarize real estate documents to make them legally binding and enforceable. These documents include deeds, mortgages, and contracts involved in real estate transactions. Notaries are responsible for reviewing real estate documents for accuracy and compliance with the law. Notaries must confirm the identities of all involved parties, which assists in preventing identity fraud.  


Notaries can hold funds in escrow to help ensure the real estate transaction is executed correctly. Their role extends to dispensing expert legal guidance to clients, explaining the intricacies of the real estate transaction, and answering any legal questions clients may have regarding the transaction. Their role adds an element of transparency and trust to the entire process. Notaries are an indispensable component of any real estate transaction.  

Notaries Provide A Smooth Real Estate Closing 


As a real estate transaction concludes, the notary’s role is even more critical in ensuring a successful closing. Notaries work diligently to coordinate the remaining steps, including transferring ownership, disbursing funds, and registering documents. They utilize their legal knowledge to review all relevant documents and ensure compliance with the law. Notaries can help prevent last-minute issues that could cause delays or jeopardize the real estate closing.  


Further, notaries facilitate open communication between the parties to guarantee that everyone fully understands their responsibilities and duties. This synergetic approach to real estate transactions reduces the chance of disagreements at the closing table. The notary’s legal expertise and meticulous attention to detail provide peace of mind to all parties to a real estate transaction.  

The Role of Notaries in Commercial Real Estate 

Notaries are helpful in both residential and commercial real estate transactions. Commercial real estate deals can be substantially more complex than residential and generally command a higher level of due diligence. Here are a few ways notaries are valuable in commercial real estate transactions:  

Complex Contracts 

While all types of real estate transactions can be complex, commercial real estate is known for being considerably more complicated than its residential counterparts. They often include many additional documents, such as intricate contracts, option agreements, lease agreements, buy and sale agreements, and financial contracts. Notaries can help verify identities and advise accordingly. 

Safeguarding Business Interests 

Commercial real estate transactions require many safeguards to protect the interests of those involved. Mistakes can halt production, waste time, and cause substantial financial losses in some cases. Notaries act as impartial legal advisors to the entire transaction and help minimize future legal issues due to parties’ mistakes or improper identity verification.  

Protect Creditor Financing 

The majority of commercial real estate deals hinge upon obtaining financing. This means that there are additional documents that need to be signed to complete the process. Notaries help facilitate this process by verifying and notarizing commercial mortgage documents. This not only protects the borrower’s rights but also ensures the creditor’s rights are also protected. Commercial real estate deals often require more complicated financial arrangements involving additional entities such as investors or banks.  

Due Diligence and Compliance 

Commercial real estate deals demand due diligence and compliance to be valid. There are several items that sellers of commercial real estate must disclose about the property, and there are documents that the seller and the buyer must sign. Notaries ensure that everyone follows proper signing protocols and that the law is followed. They also help ensure all required documents are correctly executed, and the necessary disclosures are signed.  


Notaries are integral to real estate transactions, both residential and commercial. They are impartial and ensure that real estate documents are correctly signed and that the transaction complies with all laws and regulations. Notaries are an indispensable part of real estate deals and help protect each party’s rights in the conveyance of title.